The site French Community Agency accessible at the address “” (hereinafter referred to as “Site”) is published by SAS French Community Agency. The information provided on the Site is presented for indicative and general purposes and does not claim to be exhaustive in any way. Despite all the care and rigor brought to the creation of the Site and its regular updating, errors may have crept into the information presented. Users of the Site will therefore carry out all useful checks and are solely responsible for the use they make of accessible information.
Publishing manager: Arthur Battais
SAS French Community Agency
Acronym: FCA
With a share capital of €10,000
16 Esplanade du Champ de Mars,
35000 Rennes
+33 (0)9 72 14 95 51
[email protected]
SIRET: 983 856 253 00015
VAT: FR03983856253
The host of the “” site is the company Webflow, whose head office is located at 398
11th Street, 2nd Floor CA 94103 San Francisco, with email: [email protected]